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Frequently Asked Questions:

Does the GSB take direct referrals?

No, the GSB receives referrals from the Probate Court. To make a referral call the Probate Court Guardianship Information Line at (614) 525-3858.

Does the GSB handle Guardianship of the Estate and/or payee services?

No, the GSB does not currently accept Guardianship of the Estate and is not a representative payee for clients. We assist in establishing these relationships for clients as needed.

What paperwork needs to be completed to apply for guardianship?

All forms and additional information about guardianship in Franklin County can be found at the Probate Court Guardianship website.

Statement of Expert Evaluation (SOEE) is a form that is required to be completed. Please see the form attachment from the Probate Court website here.

What factors does the Court consider in determining whether the GSB is the most appropriate guardian for a prospective ward?

The Probate Court considers the GSB Eligibility Criteria.

What are alternatives to Guardianship?

There is a variety of alternatives to guardianship.

A conservatorship is a voluntary court supervised relationship in which a mentally competent but physically infirm adult applies to the Court to appoint a conservator to care for the applicant's person, property or both.

Planning for the future by completing advance directives is the best way to avoid a future guardianship. Advance directives cannot be completed for a person after they have been declared incompetent by the Court. 

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